Setting up a simple DHCP server is fairly straightforward - Here are the basic steps:

  1. Launch dhcpmgr using:
  2. # /usr/sadm/admin/bin/dhcpmgr &
  3. Select 'configure as DHCP Server':

  4. Select 'text files':

  5. Specify where the configuration data will be stored:

  6. Select a name service to store host records:

  7. Specify the DHCP lease length:

  8. Enter the DNS domain name:

  9. Select a network to configure:

  10. Add network-type and routing info:

  11. Specify NIS servers if appropriate:

  12. Specify NIS+ servers if appropriate:

  13. Confirm all information:

  14. Run the address wizard to configure addresses:

  15. Set the number of possible clients:

  16. Set the server and starting address:

  17. Confirm all details:

  18. Specify a configuration macro:

  19. Specify a dynamic or persistent lease:

  20. Final confirmation:

  21. Enjoy your new DHCP server: